Build a Salesforce Mobile Application with Magentrix

Did you ever wanted a platform in which you could build your application, deploy and see it work on all devices! For many this a dream and some others this is quite bit of effort (money, time, etc) to achieve.

A number of technologies exists today to help a developer build mobile applications, but it seems that these applications need to stack up on top of others classical existing options which results in maintaining two separate code, higher cost of ownership and more costly upgrades...

One of the solutions that attempts to address the above issues and provide a more comprehensive and managed approach to building mobile apps that works for both classical desktop devices as well as tablets and cell phones is Magentrix.

Magentrix for Salesforce, allows you to import Salesforce objects and build mobile applications or sites that are fully integrated with Salesforce. The approach is very much aligned with Cloud delivery model where you build your application on the cloud and run it with no deployment steps necessary.
Also by doing this you are going to focus on building your application rather than worrying about adaptability, security, scalability, compatibility or even the fact that your code may be aging and getting obsolete as the technology evolves. This is because the abstraction layer that the Magentrix cloud development platform provides.

If you like MVC development model, you are going to love this!
Let's jump into an example and explore how this is done.

In this example, I am going to build a feedback form which gets the user's information and records it in Salesforce, additionally we can setup workflows let the necessary people know within the organization that someone cared to provide a feedback.

Naturally we start in Salesforce by creating our feedback__c object. Then we add First Name, Last Name, Email and Message fields to this object.

Next step to get into Magentrix for Salesforce instance and login! That's easy enough...
Once you setup your integration that links Magentrix to your organization instance.
You can proceed with importing the Feedback__c object.

I would go to Salesforce connector area in Magentrix and import our new Feedback object:

Next I go ahead and set the security up for portal users so that the access to the data is secured within Magentrix:


OK, we are all set to proceed to the next step, that is building our mobile feedback app!
Even though at this point I could just turn to Magentrix drag and drop layout designer to create my form and publish it **NO CODING** required, I will switch the gear and do a custom UI for this example.

I start with creating a custom Active Page that allows me to build our app there.

Magentrix Active Page Editor
My coding effort will be focused on two areas, as it is the case in most today's modern MVC development platforms:
  • View
  • Controller
The view here is the page I have created and by clicking on "Add Custom Controller" I can add a controller class where I can write the logic (which will be very minimal in this case).

I first explain the controller code, by default any Active Page Controller has a GET method called "Index". This method is called when user browses "/aspx/feedback", here is what I put there:

public class FeedbackController : AspxController
    public override ActionResponse Index()
        //make a new instance of the feedback object (all sfdc objects are prefixed in Magentrix).
        Force__Feedback__c feedback = new Force__Feedback__c();
        //send the model to the view 
        return View(feedback);
    public ActionResponse Index(Force__Feedback__c feedback)
        //creates the feedback record in SFDC
        bool isSccess = Create(feedback);
        if (isSccess)
          DataBag.ShowConfirmation = true;
        //returns the model back to the view   
        return View(feedback);

In the above I have an additional action method that is decorated as "HttpPost" which tells Magentrix that this action is triggered via "HTTP POST". Also the action defines the Feedback object as its input parameter, this definition asks Magentrix engine to bind the form posted data into the model and pass it to my method.

By calling "Create" operation you can save the record into SFDC (simple ha?).
DataBag is another way to pass data to the View from the Controller which is more dynamic and flexible, suitable for any additional data or instructions that need to be passed to the view other than the main object.

Below the code that uses Magentrix standard user interface library to build the hybrid app. The Magentrix standard components apply the CSS styles provided by Magentrix theme for both classic and model devices.

<aspx:AspxPage runat="server" Id="MyNewPage" title="Feedback">
  <aspx:ViewPanel runat="server" title="Feedback" ButtonsLocation="bottom" visible='<%# !Bool(DataBag.ShowConfirmation) %>'>
      <aspx:CommandButton runat="server" Text="Submit"/>
      <aspx:ViewSection runat="server" title="Personal Information" columns="one">
        <aspx:InputField runat="server" value="{!Model.FirstName__c}" required="true"/>
        <aspx:InputField runat="server" value="{!Model.LastName__c}" required="true"/>
        <aspx:InputField runat="server" value="{!Model.Email__c}" required="true"/>
      <aspx:ViewSection runat="server" title="Message" columns="one">
        <aspx:InputField runat="server" value="{!Model.Message__c}" required="true"/>
  <aspx:ViewPanel runat="server" title="Feedback Confirmation" visible='<%# Bool(DataBag.ShowConfirmation) %>'>
     <div class="content-box">
      <h2>Thank you for taking the time!</h2>
        Your opinion matters the most to us, Thank you for help us by sharing your comments and suggestions.

I believe you are anxious to see the results?

The classical view may look something like this:

However the mobile view:

You can try the app yourself:


  1. This is information is very useful.Thank you.

  2. Building a mobile apps on the cloud has never been easier than this!

  3. Very nice article. I definitely appreciate this site.
    Keep writing!

    Check out my blog post; Owen
